Sunday, March 09, 2008

DOTA to Dollars

I remember the number of hours I would sit in front of my trusty iBook, propped up on the laptop 'titties' (as my Aunt and Uncle like to call them because, well... They really do look a little like nipples or boobs sticking out from the bottom of your lappy) with my uber pro mouse and mouse pad, trying to look like I know what I'm doing when I'm randomly hitting keys hoping that I'll kill one of those annoying Alliance gankers in Stranglethorn Vale. The wonderful world of WoW.

Thing is, when I tried to get back into it, despite being completely lost because my main guide was no longer mine to have through no related fault of his own, I just couldn't bear to bring myself to sit there and focus all my attention on that without doing anything else. I just... Didn't see it as a valuable way to spend my time. Anyone else feel the same?

Well, for those that are bored of spending money whilst doing nothing productive, there's something you can do online with the chance of making 10G's. Sound good? Well, it's too late to register because the game is already in progress but it's interesting to watch. ASX started up a trading game that follows real values and allows you to play shares without putting any of your own capital up on the table. They give you $50,000 to start with and you go from there, the winner at the end of 6 months gets $10,000. Sounds easy eh?

Except you'd probably need to spend more time in front of your laptops watching the arrows go up and down and red and green and wonder if that 0.000001 percent change meant you lost a zillion bucks or whether you made 2. But hey, there's always that chance that you could win the $10,000.

On another rather different note, I've been reading the blogs of several others in PP1. I have to say that I'm rather jealous of the opportunity Lachlan got at the Open. It must have been amazing to write and edit a story on the spot. It really makes my stint in CNBC seem rather measly and once again reiterates the point that there is every chance I won't achieve my dream. To hell with the mid-life crisis, I think I'm having a pre-life crisis! Time to up the journalistic aspect of my life and set my priorities for career options. The Mediacorp session next week might be rather crucial in carving a place for me when I go home. Mediocre salary, here I come.

And on one last random point, Sean Kingston looks like a 12-year old.

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