Friday, January 19, 2007


Today I've spent a lot of time introducing, listening to and working with many of my fellow coursemates. In this short time of half of Open House '07, I realise that many of them, especially my juniors, are exceedingly talented.


Anyway, as I was saying...
My juniors are really something to be proud of. They have all outdone themselves with their school work and other talents. Jules blew me away with his voice. My heart literally melted. *looks for a mop & bucket* As I'm writing this in front of the stage, he's still belting his heart out. Makes me wish that Shin would play again. I'd totally be HIS number one groupie *beams*

Jules can scream and still sound goddamn HOT! OMFG. His boyish charm and to-die-for smile will surely render girls speechless left, right and centre. Oh oh, I'm BRIMMING with pride right now.

Emily sang today too. She is so so awesome. Oh if only I could sing like that. Really makes me wonder what gift God gave me. All these people today are so talented. What's my niche? =\

Well, I'd better get my arse back home. I just couldn't resist staying to watch Jules a little longer, but seriously, I want to home to my boy. Haven't seen him since Tuesday and even that was just to get his WoW expansion and help me film. He might go out tonight though, so I doubt I'll see him for very long again. *shrug*

Thursday, January 18, 2007

I happen to like the bathroom floor thankyouverymuch!

Yeap, I'm here again. Procrastinating. Again.

I need to write up my cue cards for Open House. Don't want. Well, I do want. But I'm just being lazy. The bathroom floor is so nice and cool. It's quiet (save the dripping water from the remnants of my shower) and most importantly... No one is disturbing me! Well.. There are people on msn, but it's much easier to ignore them than family who constantly ask questions that you can't solve by pressing apple+w.

That's alt+F4 to you nasty nasty windows users.

:D Mac Evangilists FTW :D

Went shopping today. FINALLY got my watch back. I'll post pictures of my new shoesies tomorrow or something. Yayness. They're pretty.

Oh well, guess I'd better get to it. Editing in the morning.

it's nearly four more weeks. Hang in there.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Ms. R. R. Berry

A very very happy birthday to my DARLING bestie, Ms. Berry!

To the girl who always pulls me through the shit, the crap, the buggered and... Well... I think you get the picture.

I love you girl.

This 'hiao' picture was contributed by Mr. Jon See because as the girl said: "I wouldn't let anyone see this picture."
(ok, school won't let me upload the picture. I'll do it at home)

EDIT: Ok, here's the picture!!

I'm slumped up against the toilet door. Going back outside means having to face the looming deadlines.

Save me.

Sunday, January 14, 2007


Safari crashed. Lost my post. Pissed off.

Will blog again when I don't feel like smashing my fist through my screen and when I feel a lot less emotional.


Saturday, January 13, 2007

Paris Hilton. -.-

Small birdy woman with pink headscarf: "Oh my!"
Me: "Yes? Would you like to take a photo?"
Small birdy woman with pink headscarf: "No no, but I'd like a picture OF you!"
Me: "Err... Me and the Bunny? Sure!"
Small birdy woman with pink headscarf: "Yes please! You remind me of Paris Hilton!"
Me: O.o
Small birdy woman with pink headscarf: "Oh oh! Don't worry! Not looks... Just the personality!"
Me: *stares in disbelief* *fumes* *contemplates murder*
Small birdy woman with pink headscarf: "Oh I do like her! Not that stupid friend of hers though. But I like Paris a lot..."
*hand squeeze of reassurance and restraint from a friend*

My, oh my, oh my.

I'll post up pictures of last night, along with the bags of tea that we made off with.

The week is over (and boy am I happy that it is) and I made it obvious! I played 'Walking Away' on Shin's iPod to the point where I couldn't hear anyone/thing and danced out of the News Edit Suite. Oh I love that song.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

What a waste of bloody time!

'nuff said.

But thank you, Gen. Wot a ✡ you are.


After a fairly successful day of plodding through scriptwriting class, completing the retarded APEL assignment (think along the lines of a values reflection cum pastoral care thingymajig) and getting half of my BJ assignment completed, I got to see the Boy.


He called this morning to check up on me after falling asleep yesterday and therefore being unable to provide the support I needed. He shook some sense into me by scolding and chiding in his usual manner that makes me feel like a small, weak and pathetic little kid. I need that sometimes.

We exchanged texts during the day (ok, two or three) and agreed upon dinner. Then he tells me we're going to Al Forno's (along East Coast Road. GO!) and I feel immediately shy. I don't like other people paying for things like that. Feel guilty. Shin's argument: "If you don't go, that means you don't like Al Forno's! *exaggerated GASP* So see! You have to go. Confirm ah! Hokaytankyewbubye."

When i got to his place, we talked about his gruesome biology class and as I was so tired, I crashed. He rubbed my tummy until I fell asleep and cuddled me throughout.

I like those feelings. The feeling of being needed, wanted and desired.


Dinner was amazing. Salad, Pizza, Pasta, Sorbet and an Aperatif. <3 The night was a little easier once the wine was digested. I'm currently padding this out on my bathroom floor with my toothbrush in my mouth, procrastinating because I don't want to do work and I'm still pink from the wine and woteva else I was given. It was yummy, just that I have no clue what it was.

I like Nobina. She's nice.

I'm glad I got to drink today. Needed it after the upheaval I've faced. Today was almost perfect. I got to nap in class (James walks in. Where's Kelly? *rae points to the desk* James inquires whether the thing is a foetus and says he wants to stand on it. Yes, it was me) and at Shin's. I got to see my Babe to celebrate our first year and first month over a scrummy dinner with his family. Ms. Berry was my saviour with Vanilla Coke and my Christmas presents (comprising of a bright green jacket that I've been eyeing for a while now and three sets of earrings. One of which was chosen by Jon. THANK YOU, JON!) I love you, Ms. Berry.

I wish everything was alright. I wish all was pretty much perfect like today. I came home tipsy from the wine and aperatif and Mum says: "You've been drinking?" My response: "Wine with dinner. I deserved it." Parents shut up after that.

I do need it.

I want to dance this weekend. People if anyone is clubbing, ask me out. I don't want to drink, I just want to dance and get lost in the music.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Emo Post.

You may not want to read the following. I've taken the courtesy of creating a bit of space so that you don't have to read the emo-ness straight out unless you choose to.

I also apologise for the lack of entries.

This is not for you, nor is it for them.
This is for her and the rest who use their ears for something other than making it seem like they give a shit.

Each tear that rolls down my caked face carries love and appreciation for those who have cared.
Each breath-turned-sob is dedicated to those who understand.

My chest will heave and my make-up will run.
My heart will ache and my head will throb.

Love is extended to those who've made the effort.
Love is retracted from those who have befriended me under false pretences.


To be completely and brutally honest, I'm not the only one to blame. I feel I've been done an injustice. On hindsight, everything can be done better. So why is it that you all see fit to point the finger at me just because I have the guts to say out what you were thinking? We all make mistakes, so why do you all see fit to act like hypocrites and act like you'd never said anything in the first place. Am I not human too?

Why blow your mouth off only to shy away when faced with a confrontation?
Why let others take the wrap for something that no one else had the courage to do?
Why the hell is it just my fault?


You can hate me.
All of you can hate me.

The Ones that Matter... They're right here. *points to heart*

You guys? No, you don't matter.


If you don't like what I do, then take over.
If you don't wish to take over... Shut the fck up and let me get on with making sure we all get a friggin grade.