Thursday, December 21, 2006

Photos For Work

Ok this is a random post and a last resort because no pictures will upload via my imagestation and gmail is refusing to send my pictures across either.

Damn the school network.

This is for Sam from Launch!

I hope these are ok, random pictures I know.
*note to self: get new portraits done!*

A proper post with follow once I get better. I'm still sick as a friggin parrot! *squawk*

*rolls eyes*

Friday, December 15, 2006

For Shy-Baby.

I don't retract my statement about a CERTAIN ONE SPECIFIC FHM girl, but I'd like to clarify that I'm not lumping all FHM models as baseless 'blondes'.

Shyanne, Gen, Ryn, Jaimie, Bell... (and all my other dah-lings from FHM)
That statement was not for you. Never. Nuh-uh. *shakes head fervently*

*BIG hug*

If not for you guys, my life would be a lot less sexy and nowhere near as entertaining. And you're right Shy, just because you're half naked in front of cameras doesn't mean your mind is too. So don't fret! I'm on the side of the (baseful -is there such a word?!-) FHM models!

Truth be told, models of any sort only go 'blonde' when they start thinking they're 'blonde'.

So Shy-Baby, this is for you...

Oh, don't worry all! I won't really move to the West. You should see me...
I start to shiver past River Valley.
Convulse when I pass Queensway.
Pass out when I hit Dover.

I'm serious.

Mash Up.


Who says Classical ain't Cool?!

Also, whilst bored in class last week, Rae and I got creative with sweeties!

Step One...

Step Two...

Step Three...


Oh, now it's time for a rant or two:

1) I may not like you, but I will always be courteous around you. I shall not necessarily backstab you and bitch about you in the VOLUMES that I know you do about me, but that's ok. You're insecure, small (not literally) and jealous... As I said, that's ok. So yes, I'll be nice around you. It makes the lives of our few mutual friends SO much easier and I don't think it fair that we drag them into this, no?


I mean... Geez, this wasn't even my fight to begin with. Freak knows what started all this or when you even started betraying me.

Which brings me to Point Two.

2) This was Your fight and I stood up for you. Then you leave me in the lurch once more and go all amiable with the very ones that hurt you in the first place. This is the SECOND time this has happened. Gee, thanks. I don't know if you're just asking for it... I mean, sure you want to keep things peaceable and wot-have-ya but seriously, you'd think "once bitten twice shy" wouldn't you? Who am I kidding?

3) Self-obsessed, baseless 'blondes' piss me off. Sure you may have some right to camwhore, but please please PLEASE spare me of the I'm-trying-to-sound-like-I-have-substance crap. Don't you just love it when someone models for FHM and then turns around and says: "I think it was too skimpy-skanky." I mean... What were you expecting?! Victorian lace and high collars? I mean... Lacey? Suurreeee. But FHM ain't exactly known for it's modesty is it? *rolls eyes*

Rant over. Yay! That feels SO much better. Oh wait... One more.

4) You do NOT consign someone to do your work for you without telling them what to include IN that article of work. NOR do you give them an unrealistic deadline and expect a work of Shakespear. NEITHER do keep them hanging for close to two months without giving them any feedback, thus allowing them to hear that you didn't think much of their idea from another source.

The reaction you'll get is as such: _|_

Well, that's what I MEANT. What I said was: I do apologise, but considering that I've been left on hold for a fairly extensive period with no feedback whatsoever, I've decided (with Owen) to take up a more high profile position with the Main Open House Committee.

Ok, I'm done now.

OH OH! When you're not feeling very loving/mushy, try this:
Shrink your lips by sucking them in slightly, giving yourself a tight lipped expression so that you only expose a thin line. Then kiss your partner.

STINGY KISS! *giggle*

Oh yea... Almost forgot, Rae went to check with Mr. G and Fir did a little research himself too on my behalf and we discovered the true EAST SIDE sign.

That's it, I'm moving to the WEST. The WEST SIDE is SO much cooler! Hmph...

Monday, December 11, 2006

Talkshow On Mute.

That just about sums up my state of body right now. I can't talk and I can barely move.

Don't start yea? Why don't you try waking up at 0700 on a Saturday to meet your Significant Other (SO) then rushing down to work for 1230. After shouting your heart out all the way til 1800, rushing down to Sentosa to grab Zouk Out tickets, only to realise that you have to WAIT to get tagged at 2000 -.-


B-Sta & Marvwxyz

TJ's back. -.- Fine LAR, don't turn around LAR.

B-Sta & Jared (ain't he SO cute?!)

We had to pass the time SOMEHOW!

Then once you get tagged, bear in mind that you were sitting down outside the gantry (so you couldn't even watch the guys play CS) for two full hours, then rush home to dump bags, sort out stuff to bring and get changed. Or just mess around...

Since it's your anniversary as well, you head down to Vivo to get something nice for your SO and vice versa (in our case it was these LOVELY LOVELY LOVELY bracelets that I'm so happy with) so that by the time you get back onto the Island and meet the rest, it's already 2200!

Ok, those aren't it but I just realised I don't have a photo of them with us wearing them. But here's a shot of them whilst they're in the shop before we bought them.

To cut a long story short...


With Jazzy, SO, Randy, Slims and myself were up on the 'podium'/raised platform thingy dancing the hour away. Oh my oh my oh my... I nearly died and went to heaven! I met the Lah-Goon-Ah bunch and even saw Kevin dancing down below too!

We then ran back over to Main where Ferry was spinning. *has fit and faints* It was so...... *weak knees* I kept losing SO whilst we were there which was supposedly my fault for moving forward all the time, but I could've sworn I'd felt his hand on my waist. *sniff*

Ok, so you try leaving that Island at 0600 the next day! (By this time I've been awake for 23 hours straight) Getting a cab was nearly insane, but God shone down and brought us a 'BEDOK' sign! Thank You!! We leapt in and away we went!

Had a shower whilst SO sorted my bed out and climbed in and CRASHED out just before the sun rose.

Only to be nudged awake by Daddy a few hours later...
"Yng, what time do you want to wake up?"
"Work's at 2."
"Ok, so what time do you want to be woken up?"
"Err... Maybe 1130?"
"Ok, then you've already been awake for half an hour."

WTF. I nearly leapt outta bed.

I was dressed and back at work by 1345 and ready and rearing to go after a quick coffee. To then discover that I have to work all the way til 2200. With Daniel Ong.

Now I know I'm not the greatest host in the world and that I've got a long way to go before I'm pro, but to work with a local 'celebrity'... That's... Something. It sort of put me in my place -lots to learn, more to do etc. Daniel said I've got the potential to own the female sector of this industry. *flutters*

Oh, in true Kelly-Style, I made friends with the kids: Sarah Buxton-Leow and another little Sarah who was so so so so so so so gorgeous! Sarah BL is 6 and has a big brother called Robin who is 8. Both of them are amazing. I had so much fun with them! Then baby Sarah (Sara?) is 10 months but has such an intelligent and mature face! She let me carry her and promptly grinned and fell asleep on my shoulder! *melt*

Meet Sarah BL:

SO anyway. By the time the night was up (after I'd fallen in love with Stars Don't Fall from Australia) I was completely gone. Could hardly walk. The adrenaline was gone and I could barely speak audibly.

Headed home to crash out completely and here I am now after 12 hours of forced sleep (yes, stupid body clock woke me at 10 but I managed to force myself to sleep until SO texted and woke me up).

I've decided not to blog about boyfriends and their lack of pride in their girls, or rather my SO and his disregard for what I do. It's alright, I'll just leave you with a picture which will sort of sum up how I felt last night.

I'm all good now. I'm in bed with my lappy trying to stretch my back out so it'll stop hurting (may just ask SO for a backrub).

Edit: He brought KFC and gave my back a rub. <3

Note To Self

Must blog about the following when not so deadbeat:
- Lime Sonic Bang!
- Zouk Out.
- My First Year Anniversary.
- Men's ability to totally underappreciate their girlfriends and what they do combined with their lack of pride in their girlfriends. (Personal rant)

I'm off to pass out for a very long time.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Owner of said GORGEOUS coat.

*girly giggle*

Ain't it lovely? And I have Yang to thank for my Chrimbo/Birthday/Welcome-To-Melbourne Present! *bounce*

After a highly infuriating day at school of unavailable editing suites, external hard drives screwing me over and people copying raekel production's ideas (of which I now find highly flattering -but please remember that only WE can carry it out best and OUR shots are better and our talents pwns your talent- and highly unoriginal on your part) I went to meet Yang.

FCUK loves me now. The guy remembers me >.< Oops.

After buying my coat and walking around a bit more, Yang and I went for a bite to eat. Afterwhich I PANICKED! Like... I nearly SHAT myself! I LOST MY LAPTOP!!!!

Oh my god oh my god OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, after rushing all the way back downstairs to FCUK, the lady working there pulled out my laptop and I nearly cried with relief. The coat made me THAT happy ok? Boy oh boy was that not cool. Totally pants. (By the way, whilst Rae and I were killing time in class, we took a a series of photos that I'll put up tomorrow or later on or something) Bought t-shirts and stuff for Yang too. We love Vivo loves Us.

Spoke to Shorty for a while tonight about life, presents and love. I really admire that boy. Tsk. So handsome with SO much ego to boot.

Such a silly boy.

Time for bed though. I'm tired. I need to wake up early to script my BJ (Broadcast Journalism... Tsk. You people ARE dirty minded) and see my Babe to buy our Anni presents ALL before 1230! Oh god I LOVE that boy. Love. <3 Amore. Kiss. Cuddle. OMFG HE'S MY EVERYTHING!

Alright... Enough gassing. Sorry for that random gush. Really. I sincerely apologise. Didn't mean to sound patronising or anything ok? I'm just rather happy.

So I'll leave it at that.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

BritChix, Baybehh...

Let me bring you through my day out with my Dah-ling BritChick, Rae!! *hugs Rae*

'Twas a normal day, slightly overcast and dreary but that didn't stop us! We were in the mood to shop and boy did we... I mean 'I'... Shop! What better place to go than Vivo City! My new favouritest place in the whole of Singapore! (Temporarily taking over the top ranking Home -inclusive of bed, bath and day bed- and SH, aka Shin's Home -but only when he's there-)

Rae had managed to grab a bite beforehand, but due to me getting caught up in school I was nibblish by the time we got there. After a short trip to Marks and Sparks (Marks & Spencers) and a traipse up to the roof, we ended up with this little feast!

We didn't finish all the wine, so we saved it for when we were shopping. It's definitely a lot more enjoyable to shop whilst you're on a little wine-buzz. Makes it all THAT much more interesting!

Next stop was Chrimbo Pressie Hunting! Barbara was first on my list because I'd already gotten Shin something and Prasad's gift is sorted too. Nikki, the combined pressies, Daddy and Mummy are still on the list. I have NO clue what to get Erich either. Gah... Oh and Yang! *panics* Anyway, Barbara (my 'baby' sister) is EXCEEDINGLY important to me. Her present had to be extra special. Like... ZOMG-THAT'S-FRIGGIN-COOL kinda special. And I got it! A bear, that I MADE, in the likeness of ME! So that when I leave next year, she has something to remind her of me! And this is the bear... Meet Bridget!

Ain't she gorgeous? I WANT a black leather jacket. I have a little black skirt like that. I would LOVE red glittery Dorothy shoes like that too! The shoes are symbolic though: Everytime she misses me, she can just cuddle Bridget (which is my Confirmation name, by the way) and I'll be right there with her, just like how Dorothy's shoes would bring her home. Obviously I won't really be able to be right there immediately, but it's symbolic that I'm ALWAYS with her. Sigh... I'm going to miss her a lot! =
Well... On a happier note, Rae and I saw these GORGEOUS sweaters! We ran into the FCUK changing room to try them on and take pictures! How cool are they?!

We're going to steal them! *O.O*

The last item we tried on was this GORGEOUS COAT! I wannnttttt! Never mind about the MNG one! I want this one! It'll only weigh my luggage down by about three or four times, but it's SO SO cool! <3 A tad expensive, but oh well. Just in case I've got any rich admirers, i'm a size UK8! Thank you! =D Oh God, I'm rather shameless.

Well, that was my day yesterday with Rachel Berry! *hug hug hug*
Oh I do love that girl.

!! As a by the by, I forgot to mention that after we bought the bears (I ACTUALLY got recognised from Nickelodeon!! First time!! How cool is that?!) and tried looking for a toilet (which we found but didn't get round to going to for a good half hour later because each shop seems to have this suction thing! It's SO queer! It's like a magnetic force or a vacuum!) which Rae needed, so I stayed outside, I got chatted up by this boy called Leon-with-a-purple-streak. He was so cool! He started asking me about Bridget and how much she cost etc.

Rae came along and the conversation started to drag a lot about completely RANDOM things (by the way, Rae and I were mistaken for tourists ALL DAY! Nicely...) until eventually it came to a close about fifteen minutes later. We walked off in different directions after saying that hopefully we'd bump into each other another time, then Rae and I stood still and pondered a while.

They chatted us up and didn't ask for our number!

It seemed so genuine and so... Nice. We almost wanted to go back and say: Well, wouldn't you like our numbers? It was REALLY endearing and they were actually really nice people!

So strange.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Thank You, Siobhan.

First part of raekel productions' 'Thank You' series.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Bugger it.

Polodium 210.


I wrote Predolium 210. Stupid test. AND AND AND!!! I forgot about the establishing shot with both interviewee and interviewer. Bah-bloody-humbug.

I can't but help marvel at Fir's work. He did a lovely lovely lovely post for the KFC bunch (I still think that's a weird reference name). <3 Fir.

Oh, another stupid question from the test: Name the two recently appointed Deputy Members of Parliament.

?! How the hell/Why the hell would I know?!
Heh. Back up to the Studios for Screen Tests.

Sunday, December 03, 2006


I just stumped my pinky toe on the door. Oww... *whimper*

Righto... I shall get on with this so that I won't think about the throbbing in my pinky toe that is causing an increasingly dull ache in the spot where I'd fractured my foot a few years ago. Oh my...

FOCUS Dammit.

Friday Night @ Timbre! My first time seeing the whole gang since the GND Search. Such a refreshing bunch! I'm sorry I didn't stay longer, but one has to tend to their significant others.

Firstly, I'm sorry for making you drive all the way out, Nigel. <3 Louis, I'm sorry if I didn't pass you enough cash. Fir, I hope you get many more 'birthdays' like Friday. You're a nice guy... But you're not THE nice guy. You're loved by many... Females. The males are only a dime a dozen. I hope. Gen Dah-ling!! Thank you for explaining the 'inside stories' to the complete outsiders. Audie, you have a REALLY cool shot glass. Lucky bugger. Hmpphhhh...

Let's all please hit Sentosa ok? Pretty please. Anyway, here are the photos of last night -well, some of them. The rest can be found here under 'The Chums'.

Oh I forgot to mention... Before we proceeded to Timbre, the school crowd headed on down to watch Tanya at her recital. OH MY GAWD can she sing or can she sing. It was a rather liberated crowd and I have to say, I was mildly intimidated. She was awesome. I totally forgot to take pictures of her singing, but I have the post-performance photos of me, the guys and Tanya. It was with these lovely people (Rae joined us later on) that we proceeded to Timbre with to meet up with the Timbre crew (I need a reference name for this group).

So here are our lovely shots.

The Gay Boys

The Couples

The rest can be found here under 'The Chums' as well.

Next stop for The Couples + 1 (+2 if Aloy is coming...) is the Night Safari! The plan: head to Brewerkz to get a bit silly, then take the shuttle to the Night Safari for a bit of silliness. Oh my, I can't wait! It'll be so fun! I'm proposing Tuesday, 12th December... Guys, let me know if you can make it alright? Rae'll book tables for dinner/drinks and I'll just make sure you all come!

For now, I'll leave you with my Puppy.

Here's Unripe. We fell in love with the song and the guy with the weird hair. *sigh* I think I'm too into Asian guys. NOT THAT IT'S A BAD THING! >.< Anyway, it's a cool video nonetheless, so watch it!