Sunday, November 25, 2007

Dance for me, Baby. Just Dance.

Melbourne has the Melbourne Shuffle (oh, how original).
The US of A pretty much owns hip hop (I can't say that fo'sho, so take it with a pinch of salt).
Ireland has Irish Dancing.
England has (*shudder*) Morris Dancing (we are reknowned for other things, but I'm trying to make a point here).
Singapore has... Ok nevermind...
France has Techtonik/Techtonique.

So maybe this coming ZoukOut, you may consider dancing with a little style because no one likes the weird crap that we get every year. Do us all a favour, yea? If I can't change the way we all dance, maybe I can at least introduce an amazing song. Look it up: ACDG (Tpr Remix) - Yelle. Naturally, I don't understand a word, but it sounds so SO cool.


Monday, November 12, 2007

I realise...

...that my blog looks so much nicer on a mac - so go buy a mac and revel in it's beauty.
...that Josh still has a blog.
...that in about 5 days, my kid sister will be touching down in Melbs.
...that you really shouldn't wear sporty clothes and try on a dress, you'll always look stupid.
...that trusting the weather just by looking at it, is not smart.
...that Simon has the same book as me (realisation was made yesterday) and you should get it too: Mark Haddon - A spot of bother.
...that not all Metal bands are just about the heavy stuff.
...that the 'sleepy' *you is a real bitch sometimes.
...that I actually do have some form of permanance in my life, for once.
...that Artichokes are quite funny looking. And that my school building design really does look like one.
...that I am in dire need of a job.
...that a single cupboard can mean the world.
...that the world is shrinking at a rather dramatic rate - damn internet.
...that Apple has an extreme amount of power when it comes to boosting musicians' profile in the mainstream music industry: Feist and Cansei de Ser Sexy among others would not be as recognised as they are now if not for Apple.

And yes, we guessed it, but the tabloids have confirmed JT's hookup with his backup dancer, much to Singz' disappointment. Sorry, darling. Britney was the biggest idiot to cheat on him and whilst she has gone to the shits, I have to admit that I do enjoy a couple of her more recent songs. Ever a fan of the Eurythmics, songs that play up on Sweet Dreams are almost bound for success with me. Britney's Everybody along with Gimme More are actually rather catchy tunes. Shocking. But yes, the videos are just crass. Eurgh.

Friday, November 09, 2007

And the "look" wasn't appreciated

*You* know how I am.
*You* know what I'm like.
*You* still gave me that look.

Not appreciated.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

When Enough Is Enough

I want to throw in the towel.

I've sat through countless episodes of Little Britain and The League of Gentlemen (and spent $100 just buying the damn DVD). I've read review upon review and can't find suitable references. I've tried to plot out the direction of this essay and work out where exactly I'm going to find a total of 2500 words (and failed). I've stared into middle distance to find inspiration.


This was the single essay that I was looking forward to doing and now that I'm working on it, I can't do it. It's taking me ages to actually get words to flow out of my fingers.

With reference to the British comedy sketch show, Little Britain, examine in close detail the aspects of gender and/or sexuality and political correctness.

You'd think it was easy, wouldn't you? I'm exploring episode one of series two and so far, I've taken two pages of notes from the episode to see how sexual/gender related it is and the extent of its political correctness. Out of the twelve sketches, only half of them can be used.

I tried taking notes on The League of Gentlemen too, but to no avail. I mean, there are references that can be used. There are noted similarities that I can pick up on. But seriously, sitting down to watch any more mindless comedy will put me out of my mind.

What I really want to do right now is just sit down with Justin and play Rayman. Or go tanning. The weather is rather pleasant today. Eurgh...

Sunday, November 04, 2007


Ever wanted to eat something so bad that nothing else would suffice? Like the mee pok from Boat Quay with its chili that lingers on in your mouth for an hour after, tingling in your throat, leaving you with that constant need for the iced lemon tea from Bedok Central's S-11.

I haven't eaten all day and my body doesn't want anything but that.


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

(future) Husband, pretty please...

(and I won't be so presumptuous as to include a name in that header)

...can we have wedding dinner by the beach and for our first dance, this song:

What about you? What song will you have for your first dance?

Monday, October 29, 2007

California Dreaming

Ok, so I didn't dream of California... But I promise my dream was equally as enthralling. Apparently your dreams reflect things that have happened to you, things you've watched and things you want to happen. It's your brain taking things a step further. And sometimes... It goes a little too far.

(I think it was because I watch a snippet of Deep Blue before I went to bed, in particular the scene where Alba is tied up and the bad dude is breathing down her neck and is threatening to rape her and there are loads of people on the boat at that time)

I'll skip the graphic details because well... It's not nice. Basically, I'm tied up and gagged, gang raped and abused. Beaten. Thrown around. Cut.

Then somehow I'm free and I have a gang of friends with me. I hunt down the rapists and when I get to the main fella that instigated the whole thing, I get my friends to rape him before we twist his genitalia until it is taut. A blunt blade finishes the job, making sure he never abuses his manhood again.

Then suddenly I'm walking up the ramp leading up to the café at RMIT and I walk past Marco. Of all people... I walk past the least likely person to be in a Uni.

I woke up at some point after that and tried to wake Justin up. Still shaken from the nightmare and a little unsteady, I managed to wake him up. He sat up, said a brief: "It's just a dream, B. Just sleep," before lying back down and falling fast asleep again. Any recollection of paying me no attention whatsoever? No.

Whilst completing my screen shots for my Media and Meaning assignment, Photoshop decided to pull a fast one on me whilst I was saving the damned image. Cue spinning wheel of death... So I ran into Singz room and woke her up. She rolled over, opened her eyes and managed: "Oh no... So how?" before she started snoring again.

What the hell is wrong with me, disasters and people that can't stay awake for an emergency?!


Singz: "Hey! The clouds are moving!"
Me: "Yes, darling. Clouds move..."
Singz: "... I knew that... I did!"
Singz: "The big poofy ones have gone away. It's all sky now..."

Bless the Blonde.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Erm, excuse me?

Me: "Ok, have fun! See you back home later!"
Han: "Bye, Kelly!"
Random other Baccarat player: "Erm, excuse me? Can I have your score card please?"
Me: "Heh, sorry, I need it..."
*puzzled looks from other players*

Well I couldn't exactly tell them out loud that I was going to keep my virgin-Baccarat-experience-with-Justin-score card, could I?!

Happy Anniversary to my Bitch and her Boy. Much love and many more to come! I appreciate that you guys took it to the next step and that you're in it together (yes, I know it's a bit difficult to be in a relationship with only one person... but trust me, it's possible and it isn't as ludicrous as it sounds).

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Yeap, we'll theorise everything. We've even got Love down to the T.

It's almost depressing how something as precious as Love can be broken down and analysed in such a crass and grotesque manner. If Psychology has taught me nothing else this semester, I have definitely walked away with weird and odd perceptions of the way we grow up (sexually speaking).

Enter Oedipus. Written by Sophocles, he told a tale of a man who killed his Father unwittingly and married his Mother. To cut a long story short,the Oedipus Complex states that all young boys grow up lusting after their Mother but are scared that their Father will castrate them and that all young girls grow up with affection for their Father but are afraid that their Mother will cast them off.


Sigmund Freud also formulated a fantastic series of stages called the Stages of Psychosexual Development. Divided up into five main stages, they categorise our development from birth to beyond puberty:
1) Oral
- Satisfaction from eating, sucking etc.
2) Anal
- Interest in and satisfaction from anal region.
3) Phallic
- Genitals become source of satisfaction.
4) Latency
- Boys and Girls spend little time together.
5) Genital
- Genitals become main source of pleasure.
I don't really think I need to go into further detail, no?

Then there's Sternberg who came up with the Triangular Theory of Love.

Liking/Friendship: intimacy but no passion or commitment.
Romantic Love: intimacy and passion but no commitment.
Companionate Love: intimacy and commitment but no passion.
Empty Love: commitment but no passion or intimacy.
Fatuous Love: commitment and passion but not intimacy.
Infatuated Love: passion but not intimacy or commitment.
Consummate Love: strongest form of love consisting of passion, intimacy and commitment.

There you have it, a totally unemotional account of love and how it develops as we grow up. How... Heartwarming.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Mr. Gilmour

I hope you find this useful! And for anyone else who is interested: Radio Blog Club

Big words. Oooohh...

Do you not abhor the instances when pompous professors use bombastic phrases when a laymen term will suffice?! Gawd it truly does annoy me to the crevices of my frail existence when one is not able to analyse and scrutinise a topic merely as a result of a 'higher being' thinking that he should prove his invaluable worth to us lowly students via the homo sapien method of communication.

Annoying isn't it?

For f's sake, can't they just write 'causes' instead of 'aetiology'? Or 'discovered' as opposed to 'cognition'?

I really don't like exams - thank gawd I've only got one.

Monday, October 22, 2007

It's alright to ask for help

Or is it?

You've probably heard this before, but I'll say it again: People don't actually want to know about your problems. They don't care. When they ask "How are you?!" that little voice inside their head is saying "Don't tell me, don't tell me..."

Sure, there are the few friends that you can open up to. Those that you can talk to about anything, but how many can you truly say take an interest in it?

Probably not many.

So who do you turn to? Who can you lean on? Who can you go to when you just want to blubber and sniffle and drool all over. I know it doesn't sound very glamorous, but we've all done it at some time or another. Well, point being, there aren't many who will endure that sort of torture, but when we come across the ones who will help out, who will listen, who will take the abuse that we give when we're depressed... Be thankful.

Someone extremely close to me told me last night that he knows I'm not that strong. That his sisters, his brother, his Mother and I aren't that strong. So much so that he'll gladly take any beating or sadness on our behalf, just so that we don't have to take it because he thinks that if he takes it, it doesn't matter. It won't be so bad. It'd be worse to watch us in pain and know that he could've taken it and would have taken it better.

I could kiss him.

Why don't we all try and be that someone for another. Reach out. Who can you help today?


On a lighter note to finish this off before I get back to mugging for my Psychology exam, Vicnan and I had a little chat about his first day back at Poly and it went something like this...

vicnan x blood in your eyes says: (3:40:47 PM)
kJL : he always shone for me. says: (3:40:53 PM)
kJL : he always shone for me. says: (3:40:56 PM)
since when?!
vicnan x blood in your eyes says: (3:41:03 PM)
well dunno if real fags
kJL : he always shone for me. says: (3:41:09 PM)
vicnan x blood in your eyes says: (3:41:12 PM)
but totally limp wristed squealing homos
vicnan x blood in your eyes says: (3:41:16 PM)
and this is coming from me
vicnan x blood in your eyes says: (3:41:18 PM)
i have no idea
kJL : he always shone for me. says: (3:41:21 PM)
vicnan x blood in your eyes says: (3:41:24 PM)
we were all so disturbed
vicnan x blood in your eyes says: (3:41:28 PM)
a seriously large number
vicnan x blood in your eyes says: (3:45:09 PM)
as in
vicnan x blood in your eyes says: (3:45:11 PM)
there was this boy
vicnan x blood in your eyes says: (3:45:13 PM)
vicnan x blood in your eyes says: (3:45:16 PM)
like, canvas shorts
vicnan x blood in your eyes says: (3:45:20 PM)
kJL : he always shone for me. says: (3:45:28 PM)
vicnan x blood in your eyes says: (3:45:45 PM)
kJL : he always shone for me. says: (3:45:49 PM)
and on top? or was that it... u know.. given the situation. haha
vicnan x blood in your eyes says: (3:46:01 PM)
vicnan x blood in your eyes says: (3:46:12 PM)
this black and white stripy thing
vicnan x blood in your eyes says: (3:46:22 PM)
you know, the big black specs, curly hair
kJL : he always shone for me. says: (3:46:37 PM)
kJL : he always shone for me. says: (3:52:39 PM)
well i'm sure its jus a fashion phase
kJL : he always shone for me. says: (3:52:47 PM)
or maybe being gay is now cool
kJL : he always shone for me. says: (3:52:50 PM)
vicnan x blood in your eyes says: (3:53:03 PM)
vicnan x blood in your eyes says: (3:53:03 PM)
see what i mean
vicnan x blood in your eyes says: (3:53:08 PM)
singaporeans = trendy
vicnan x blood in your eyes says: (3:53:15 PM)
i on the other hand, am stylish
vicnan x blood in your eyes says: (3:53:21 PM)

That boy is amazing.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Who's going to take care of us?

A little word of advice, don't assume that everyone will take care of you. At the end of the day, you are your own responsibility. As hard as we try, humans are not altruistic beings. We'll not be intentionally nasty, but we will always look after No. 1.

"Oh no, so boring because it's all about other people..." - Need I say more?

Friday, October 19, 2007

And you wonder WHY we're insecure?

Voluptuous, zero-fat bodies with round perky boobs, perfect hair and teeth. He'll always say: "Damn, she's hot!" and more often than not, we (the girlfriends) are sitting right next to them. How the hell are we not supposed to feel inadequate?

Here we are with our less than perfect figures, on this never ending conquest for the hour glass, the toned abs and thighs, the dazzling smile, the silky hair and the flawless complexion.

You have always drooled over girls like that, you know you have. Your girlfriend knows you have. Lord knows we're reminded of it every day. We turn on the television, open a magazine, watch a movie. Heck, the advertisement for Deep Blue on FoxTel went something like this:

"Alba. Walker. Hot. Wet. Alba. Walker. Hot. Wet. Alba. Walker. Hot. Wet. Need we say more?"

Walker got a two second clip. Alba took up the other 28 seconds, almost.

So you have to wonder, if they had the choice between those incredibly gorgeous women and us, who would they choose? Would he still look at us in the eye, kiss our forehead and say: "You."?

Please say that you love us for who we are inside and that you're really not as shallow as you make yourselves sound a lot of the time.

By the way, Date Movie really is a pathetic movie that shows us exactly how disgusting humans really are. We really are a sad race and we're not ashamed of it are we?

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Last Minute Panic

It's that time of the semester again! The time where we all have a lot less sleep, take in a lot more coffee, rediscover energy drinks and appreciate our pillows a whole lot more - and simply because you can put them on the chair to make your seat more comfy; on the table so you can take a five minute power nap; can use it to help you stop giving yourself brain damage when you get fed up and start banging your head on the keyboard (I do NOT recommend this).

Welcome to Deadline Week!

Following up in the true Australian way, I have already applied for an extension for one of my essays. The reason being that I have an exam and two other essays due in that same week or so. Not fun. Except that the essay that I have the extension for is the essay that I really want to do and get over with. Hmph.

My next week or so looks like this:
1) Psychology MCQ Exam (NOT as easy as it sounds)
2) Media and Meaning Proposal
3) TV Cultures Essay on Little Britain
4) Literature Comparative Essay on The Outsider and The Beloved

Oh Shit.

What makes it worse is that I'm a rather last minute person. I enjoy doing things under time pressure and working right up to the last minute. That's not a formula for success in Uni. It works in the real world because things do come in last minute, but here where you need to support everything with at least seven sources of credible information, it just doesn't work.

I really did do my best to get started on the M&M essay on Monday. A classmate of mine, Liam, and I sat at his place and discussed how we can apply different theories to our assignments. That was just before the sun bore down and the pool glistened in the corner of our eyes. Pool? Essay? Pool? Essay?

"We'll discuss the essay whilst we're in the water...."

What a joke. We sat there and said "Technological Determinism" several times before we just gave up. To be fair, we did do a rather good job at explaining to each other how Technological Determinism and Social Shaping of Technology would tie in with our own projects proposals. I even managed to throw in a little de Certeau as well. Not bad eh?

Dad thinks it's a joke (and all his mates) that I'm actually doing an essay on Little Britain.
"I'm actually paying money for this?"
"Yes, Daddy. You see we have to compare it with similar shows and discuss it in relation to different aspects like Gender and Sexuality or Political Correctness. It's really quite complex."
He didn't think so. Que sera. I'll show him the final product. I'm aiming for a really good grade for this one.

Don't take literature if you can't deal with morbid books. Each of our books have been rather mystical and gloomy if you ask me. The last one even gave me nightmares - but in all honesty, it was a bloody good book. If anyone knows where to get hold of the DVD of The Beloved (starring Oprah) then let me know, I'm desperate to watch it.

Two more weeks and all this will be over. Then it's a matter of days before the kid sister and cousin arrive from Singapore. Then it'll be time to go home. Scary thought. It seems like last week when everyone was crying and waving me off. Well, I'm coming home...

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Saying Goodbye is never Easy

Kissed the parentals goodbye today as they left for their flight back home. After a week with them by my side, I feel quite lost. As they disappeared behind the cold metallic walls, I felt like a piece of me was missing.

Immediately I'm bundled up, kissed and told that I'm not alone. That's how I know I'm safe, I'm looked after, I'm loved.

I've been spending some time making connections with people I've stopping connecting with over the past two years, talking to people who I haven't talked to in a while, avoided or didn't have the time for because I was too caught up in someone else and spent time with people I wouldn't normally spend time with.


If I haven't really seen you in a while, then when I get back to Singapore in December, holler and get me out for coffee. I need to see you all again. Angeline, Lahgoonahs, Leon, Glenn, Nic, Owen, Rae (girl, I wish you were here. I really miss you), Bitch (although I know you won't be around during the holidays) and the list kinda goes on like the Nile...

Heh. When I'm gone, I'll be saying the same thing about Lix, Singz and Sarah, all the Bytes and especially my B.

We'll say goodbye, I suppose, but what I really mean each time I say it is (although I'm Brit and really don't like the Frogs) "Au Revoir"...

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Moving On and Letting Go.

It's a nice feeling to sit in my apartment and watch the sun disappear behind the clouds as the day draws to a close. The trams are rambling by downstairs and the wind in bringing a gentle breeze into the room. The sky is a gorgeous baby blue and the sun setting is creating lovely yellow clouds with pink and lavender shadows.

I treasure taking a last glimpse of the sun as it drops down behind West Gate Bridge, kissing the horizon goodnight. With the city on my right and everyone driving somewhere on the highway to my left, I can't help but feel content.

Two months ago I let go of a phase of my life and accepted another. I went right back to the beginning and made a step forward to start all over.

And his name is J.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Trying to buy time.

Doesn't work though.

I'd give pretty much anything to be back in Koh Samui with you. With everyone. I'd give all in my possession to know that I could go to a place and stop the seconds. Just to spend that lil bit more time with you. Let's all drop everything. Let's all just go and live on an island and grow corn and be happy. Let's not go our separate ways. Let's just run away for a while.

My farewell will be at Shin's house, if you're coming. It'll be from 8pm onwards. Let me know if you need directions. You know the number.

The bags are packed.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

It's no longer weeks...

It's days. And the days are in single digits.

For those who have enquired and have expressed their wish to come to see me off on Tuesday MORNING (just highlighting that fact because for many, that will be a deciding factor) my flight number is SQ217 and it departs at 09:55. I believe there are plans for breakfast at the airport, so if you wish to join us then please feel free. I believe we'll be arriving there at around 07:15 at T1 (or is it T2?). Good lord, I don't even know any more.

And for those who are uninformed because you don't have Facebook, the BBQ (because we couldn't get a last minute chalet) will be at East Coast Park on Saturday. As some are attending the Christina concert, don't expect food because it will be gone. :D As mentioned previously, it's BYOB so just grab a bottle and come on down (:

Give us a ring if you need directions (either me, Shin or Nikki) and I look forward to seeing you.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

WoW.. No. Really.

Today I saw a car license plate that started: SFK_____

My immediate thought was Shadowfang Keep. -.- Someone get me my internet connection/network sorted please! I miss playing WoW.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Random musings at 0249 whilst waiting for the Boyfriend to call...

As I'm lying in bed haxing internet from someone nearby waiting for the Darling to call, I think of my departure (now a mere 10 days away) and of friendships forged and forgotten.

Today I was scared. Scared that I mean nothing to nobody and my presence will be sorely missed solely by my puppy -and only because I'm the one who feeds her the extras. Sheep and a few others have tried to counter this by telling me that I DO mean something to them. That I AM special. To have those sort of people, I am blessed. Truly.

Then I think back to all the hypocrites I've met and known. The ones who swear by you and what you can do but ditch you the second you have nothing left to give, much like you would a wet tissue/baby wipe. The Drifters -if I may be so bold as to steal the title from others.

Let's visit Secondary Three in St. Anthony's...

(but before that, there's Year Five in St Joseph's) I've known boys since I was a tot. I remember my infatuation with Gavin Kelly from as far back as I my brain allows me to delve consciously. I remember the heartbreak when I found out that my best friend, Jade Milne had stolen him. I remember the summers with Michael Leighton and how he smashed Gavin's head on the door when he found out I loved Gavin more than him. Then later on... The bitch fight in St Thomas More between Sophie Pitham and myself when she discovered I liked Chris Rush when I wasn't supposed to because she liked him (oh yea, great logic Soph.) The giant girls vs boys gathering when Adam and I confronted each other about me leaving for Singapore. Yes, boys are not new. They have been on the planet a rather long time. If we'd like to get biblical... They've been around longer. Deal with it....

Or not.
Girls' school girls don't discover boys until late Sec 3 or Sec 4, it seems. So when I discover someone I really click with and someone I can relate to on ALL levels... "OH MY GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!"

No. It's not allowed. Yes, 3/6 and many others, you ostracised me for being me. For discovering boys before you.

Alas, when you all started squealing over the year books in Sec 4, I'm very glad and proud that I can say I did not join in. I did not have those schoolgirl crushes on those black and white blurred photos and were, at best, at 72dpi.

So what really cracks me up is that now I discover that nearly every single one of you is no better than myself. None of you are what you used to proclaim you were. YOU are the laughing stock. I can sincerely look back and say that at the time, my life was hell... But now... I'm the one who is in a better place.

Good bye.

People seldom actually want to hear about your problems. A lot of people don't even care about YOU. They care about number One. It's human nature. YOU never cared about me. You girls never cared, because if you did, you wouldn't have turned your back.

Yet when I have knowledge, you come back. When I have money to offer, you come back. But will you be there when I leave? No.

So let's take a look at another example. Hello Grace.
"I want to become more involved... I want to get more of a profile..."
I said 'sure' and showed her the way. 'Let me get you involved in Stop Press and Council,' I said. And I did (not council though, they didn't want her in -I know this sounds ridiculously bitchy for those just reading but not knowing anything about me, CMM, council or the life of a media student. Apologies.) I help her through a speech to our Juniors at SAC, try to give her some confidence and next thing I know...


"Oh my god, she's such a bitch!"
"I hate her"
"She's so fat"

WTF did I do but help?! Wet tissue obviously dried up.

I hope you end up having to make a big presentation and realise halfway that you're not wearing clothes. No, girl... You're supposed to imagine your AUDIENCE is naked... Not you.

There is, however, some glimmer of hope in the realm of friendship.

In the light of departure and everybody from UWC leaving, I see a great number of people struggle to cope with the idea that they may never see a lot of their friends. Ever. Again.

Respect goes to those who put the effort into making sure their friendship is not one that fades as the last date that you wrote on their Facebook wall disappears. I hope the friendships I'm forging will make it through my new phase of life. I would really like you guys to stick around.

Whether you like me or not...
Whether you hate me or not...
Whether you will miss me or not...
Whether you will think of me or not...
I hope I've made an impression.
I hope I'll never be forgotten -even if you have to say: "Wasn't she the bitch that dissed me on her blog?"

Well at least I haven't forgotten you.

Post ended at 0325 and still no call. I hope you're resting well.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

You. It's always been about You.

And I'm not complaining. I like things that way... It makes me happy. It makes me happy to see you happy.

If you don't already know, everything you've done/got caught up in/lost yourself in, I've tried to understand. I've done my best to take an interest in everything. Yet you always seem so eager to throw it away for something else.

"I think if you tried to stop me it would be selfish of you"

Everyone's sacrificing something for what they want... But I keep getting this sneaking suspicion that very soon, you'll 'kthxbai' me like you did before except this time I'll be too far away for you to come kiss and make up.

26 days.

I'm horrifically scared that when this one thing that keeps me in touch with you when you're not by my side is gone, that I'll never hear from you. You say I get priority because you can't reinstall me... But what's the use of being classified that if it makes no difference edgeways?

I want you to play.
I want you to have fun.
I want you to do really well...

But not at the cost of Us.
I'm scared. Aren't you?

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Ken, this post is JUST for you. Don't be emo aight? (: I'm dedicating this WHOLE DAMN THING TO YOU!!

Servers are down and there's not a lot to do except surf Facebook, forums and blog. All of which I'm doing now. I'll be uploading the fantabulous pictures of Koh Samui onto Facebook shortly which means I've got a gazillion people to tag o.O Crap, I just realised I've double-uploaded my photos onto iPhoto.

I'm tired... Editing all those pictures is a bit of a pain. Ok Ken, these few pictures are for you, ok? Hope you enjoy them!!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Meimei, ni zai na li ne??

Wo de meimei qu Malaysia. Ta budong pao na li qu le. Xiang nian ta ying wei wo ziji yi ge ren zai jia de shi hou jiu juede heng meng zheyang. Ta zai nabian ying wei ta you zhong san de camp. Dou qu Pahang wanwan, liu wo zai zhe bian geng Mama. Baba ye shi chu guo le.

Keshi dao xing qi yi wo ye yao chu guo!! Wo hao kai xin!! Wo gen wo qin ai de haiyou ta de pengyou dou qu taiguo wanwan. Zhi shi qu dao liu tian keshi wo juede ye shi hen hao.

Meimei, ru guo ni you du zhe ge, zhidao wo xin li hen xiang ni. Mama ye xiang ni. Zaogu ziji, kuaikuai hui lai.


Thursday, May 17, 2007

ReeMeat & Sushi

/bye Singapore.

I can kiss goodbye to a 3 year long degree course too! 1.5 years of Melbourne here I come... I'm suddenly extremely enthusiastic about doing my honours as well. Not gunna share my thesis *evil laughter* MINE!!! ALL MINNNNEEEEEE.

So yea, I'm extremely excited and happy and the knowledge that a couple of others that I don't love wholeheartedly will be in the same faculty doesn't even matter any more. There's so much more to look forward to!! There's Justin, Yang, Nick, Nelliiieeeeee, Sarah, Sing Yi and Tammathy already there. AND NOT TO MENTION THAT MY BITCH WILL BE THERE TOO!! *bounce*

This leaves me with a definite deadline of 1 month and 1 week left with my Darling, which is a sad thought that I'm not thinking about and forcing out of mind because he'll be with me again by the end of the year -breathes-

I still have a few issues to work out...

Me = Maki
Several layers of bull and nonsense before you get to the heart of it where the yummy stuff really lies.

Shin = Sashimi
Raw and simple. You get what you see, except for when you peel back the layers unnecessarily and you're not prepared for the Wasabi lying below.

Heh. One of the best bloody analogies I've thought of in a long while.

Oh and girls, we have more power than we realise! Twice in two days I've gotten into a cab that by right (those being signs on the changing shift notice stating a different direction and someone else standing in front of me) shouldn't have been mine. Yesterday, Matt and I were waiting for effin ages for a cab during the shift change period at Queensway. The sign said Bukit Panjang and we were heading to Somerset.

"If you (Matt) ask, then cannot already. But got girl (Me) ask then how can say no?"

Today I was standing about 25 feet behind another guy outside TP after getting my Graduation gown (which isn't THAT bad, but it's not the best I've ever seen) and we were both waiting for a cab in the drizzle. A couple cut both of us and jumped into the first cab, then about 10 minutes later another one came along...

No changing shift sign...

He winds down his window and turns down the guy in front and proceeds to drive towards me. No enquiries as to where I'm going.

"I hate driving cabs. Shit marnee la. So if it's all bad then I might as well take a prettier passenger right?"


Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I feel the need/urge/desire to write something intellectual. Or at least... Something that sounds a bit clever so that I don't sound like a total ditz.

I'm still awake as it has been requested that I send across a video to someone. I'd really like to cuddle up and go to bed. Or at least, lie in my bed and continue reading my book, The Rule of Four by Ian Caldwell and Dustin Thomason.

It's a fairly intruiging book, I must admit -even if the exterior does look a bit dull. Then again they do say .

Samosas and Cheese Naan at Delhi restaurant on Racecourse Lane make me happy.

Did you know that there is an Indian Barbie?! Northern Indian, but Indian nevertheless. Nikki and I looked at it and gawked at it. I took a picture or two but I shall upload them tomorrow when I feel like it. When I feel like it.

I drew last night. One picture is half finished.

Just a thought... If there's someone for everyone (which can't quite be true because don't females outnumber males?) then that means there shouldn't be spinsters or old maids, right? And what if I don't find that someone before I hit menopause? And what if my someone is living in Botswana and I never get a chance to go there but he (or she) is waiting for me there (oh, so that's how it's evened out... Lesbians). Does that mean I'll die lonely?

A week and a half before I go to Koh Samui. I'm excited. Now I need to work on that pre-holiday tan.

I'm waiting on RMIT to reply. Tomorrow I shall hound IDP. I don't like this waiting game. It's slow. Painful, almost. To add onto it, two cows from poly are already there. I'm wondering which aspect of Communications they got into. One was in Marketing and the other, Broadcast. I suppose I can only hope they'll not be in Media but will have chosen Advertising Creative.


Thank god, the file has almost finished. By the time I brush my teeth and hair, it should be sorted. Tomorrow shall be for self preservation and meeting acquaintences of yesteryear.

It's funny, 'friends' from Secondary School only bother now to find out who I really am and to take a look at what was said and done back then... Maybe I'm not such a bad person afterall. Maybe I did make the effort. Maybe they just didn't want to do anything. Maybe I'll turn out alright.

Or maybe I'll just be an emofck for a couple of days each month for the rest of my life and it'll be enough to deter everyone because, "it's not the first time."


The worst frustration is when you're frustrated by yourself because you can't think clearly enough to work out how to unpickle yourself from this whole mess.


Monday, May 14, 2007

No, I don't want to talk to anyone.

Ever get one of those days where you just want to be alone? Just shut away with no disturbances. Life would be so simple if people actually listened when someone said they want to be alone.

Think of how many fights would not have escalated...
Think of how many people would not have been, literally, pushed over the edge...
Think of how many tears would not have been cried...

If you had just listened.

That Novelty Factor...

Oh you gotta love the things 'designers' come up with nowadays. I was browsing Mango at Parkway with Mum this evening and when I saw these jeans, I had to buy them -even if it was solely for the novelty factor.

You DO see why, right?

Materialistic love.

Sunday, May 13, 2007


I play World of Warcraft (WoW). My Guildies have discovered my blog.


I'm about 7XP bars from 40 when I'll get my mount and mail ability!! SO FUNNNN... I'm just contemplating what alt to get when I hit 70. I do like playing this game. Shin's gonna be really busy this week with Bio and Business finals, so I guess I'll have to busy myself with the beach and WoW.

I'm feeling mildy uninspired to write, so I'll let the pictures do the talking...
Although I didn't manage to take any pictures of lunch with the family, I did take a couple of shots of the present that I gave Mum for Mothers' Day.

Mum marvelled at the picture and was shocked when Dad said she knew the artist. She wasn't wearing her reading glasses so she couldn't see my signature. When she found out, she teared :D Well, so did I. Best present ever!

Ok, Mum wants to pop out and I want to go with her... Maybe I'll write a bit more later.
Probably not.

"...grubby dictator." -John Howard calling names whilst he bans the Aussie Cricket team from going to Zimbabwe. QQ.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

I'm doing this here, then it'll be imported on my Facebook too. Kills two birds with one stone.

List the last 21 people to write on your wall, numbering them 1-21. Then answer the questions below.

1. Justin Loi
2. Fred Teo
3. Tammathy Yiin
4. Matthew Webster
5. Simon Andrew Ashforth
6. Emily Teng
7. Nicole Van Cuylenburg
8. Rachel Monkman
9. Melody Tan
10. Saif Dia
11. Sarah Wong
12. Caecilia Lau
13. V. Diddy
14. Chris John Fussner
15. Natalie Steptoe
16. Vicnan K P
17. Mark Nathan
18. Prasad Paramajothi
19. Jonathon Tennant
20. Lung Lung Thun
21. Lucy Davies

How did you meet 10?
Like I met everyone else from UWC: Through my sushiboy.

What would you do if you had never met 6?
I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have had as much fun during the Ms 17 pageant as we actually did. It was insanely fun.

What would you do if 20 and 15 dated?
I think they'd make a hawt lesbo couple... *wags tongue*

Have you ever seen 1 cry?
Mmm... I'm sure I have. Or at least heard him. But he's my strong boy.

Would 4 and 12 make a good couple?
Polar opposites. Besides, 12 is happily coupled off and 4 is enjoying himself whilst discovering the true meaning of 'media'

Would number 14 and 16 make a good couple?
No. No. No. No. No. Total mismatch...

Describe 8:
A lil brit chick. Just like a lot of us, she just wants to go back! Such a bubbly young one!

Do you like 17?
He's alright. He's added a lot of people off my friend's list I think. And joined a (well I think it is) UWC finals group, which I find amusing.

Do you think 18 is attractive?
Oh yea... Sheep is hawt. *drool* -rofl.

Tell me something about 11:
I have to share my darling J with her. But I don't mind cuz she's hot and we have different needs from him. Well, we both need him to carry our shopping, but that's ok cuz we'll be shopping together.

What's 7's favorite color?:
Pink (unless she's in a morbid mood. Then it's black)

What would you do if 5 just confessed they liked you?
Marry him. Hahahah...

When was the last time you talked to number 19?
Couple of days ago on msn... Miss him. It's been over 2 yrs since I last saw him.

What language does 13 speak?
English. Tamil?? Hindi?? *shrug*

What year is 16 in?
Poly, year 3, sem 1. I miss those days...

Would you ever date 13?
Hahaha... Me and V. Diddy. LAWL. That would be funny!! We'd talk physics all the time :P

Would you ever date 12?
Sure! She's hawt and she's soooo cute!

Where does 18 live?
Singapore. He did a stint in Aussie when he was younger though.

What is the best thing about 4?
He's in the meedeeahh. :D Means that we can be media bitches together. Like.. Totally!

What would you like to tell 3 right now?
LOSER! Justin's MINE. FU.

How did you meet 2?
He was dating Tresa Rai when we were in the Ms 17 pageant together wayyy back in 2004.

What is the best thing about 15?
Join the Natalie and Becky Appreciation Group and you'll know why!! She's lovely... Used to be real close with her in Year 3 back in Treacle Town. It was her, me and Anna. Always.

How come there are no questions about 21?
Don't know, but I'd like to date her too please! :P

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Well hello there, young child.

Yes, the Bitch is back.

And I'll be leaving soon. Melbourne is creeping up on me. In about 2 months I will be packing my bags and saying 'Taraa!' to Singapore for at least 6 months. *waves*

So, not that any of you all care that much (because most of you read my Facebook or talk to me online) but yea, I've been doing absolutely nothing for the past month or so and you know what? I like it.

This is my first chance I've had in three years to relax. There are times when I've been bored out of my mind, but I can't say I haven't had anything to do. There are things I can do, but I'm just too lazy to ACTUALLY do them. WoW helps to ease the boredom. Or I just sit at Shin's and talk to him. And play WoW.

I'm level 36 (or at least, i'm 35 coming 36 in approximately 4.1 hours once the darn server is back up).

I hate tuesdays.

Oh yea, I had a little girl that I got to know last year going apeshit on me. I met her at a Nickelodeon event and I gave her my email. For ages she didn't get my number, but recently (when I was stupid enough to forget about it), I put a signature on my email with my number on it.


Now she's going ape on me and complaining about why I don't reply her texts and stuff like that and even sent me a text that looked like she sent it wrongly. Either way... It wasn't cool.

I quote:
"Hmm.. I don't think shes ever gonna reply even if its a qn! So why bother so much abt her??! Haiyos!"

Even if she didn't mean to send it to her friend and sent it to me just to vent her frustration about me not replying her texts that she sends everyday, it's not cool. Actually, it pisses me off. If it WAS meant for a friend, it's just as bad. I'm not angry, merely irritated that people like that think I owe them something. She then promptly got all pissed off and emo, going off and saying how I can just delete her from my life.

Well actually, I'd love to +z her from my current situation. Minimal distraction then from that stuff. Seriously though... *cringe* It's no wonder her seniors at school think she's a stalker.

Any how, Wen Hao managed to save most of my photos from Tioman. Oh he made me so happy! I was elated and woke Shin up at 3 in the morning just to tell him!

Rae's disappeared (almost literally) off to Yangon. I fret everyday and just hope/pray/wish that she's fine. It's so... Secretive there! Like... She has to call God, Rick!! And she can't say where she's staying. She has to call it a HOTEL. Although I think she's in a Church or someone's house or something like that. =\ When you see this, Darling... I love you!! Please take care.

I think Jon's sending over some caffeine pills or something like that. She's so tired. Makes me worry.

OH! Graduation. Dad won't be around for it, neither with Barbara so it's dibs between which of the grands get to come. Although I think I want Shin (to save all that hassle) to come (also for the fact that i'd like him there, of course). Every day is precious that we have left. I'm not involved at all in his graduation, so I'd like to at least involve him in mine.

The ever so important decision of what gown to wear for Nanda's graduation ceremony was made today. What's even better is that because it was bought last year (I think) it means that no one else will be in the same gown. Oh the joys of having several gowns in the wardrobe.

Did you know that wardrobes in Aussie are called 'robes'?? How strange.

A little adaption from a contribution from Dan (Bends):
Sarchasm - the gap between the brain behind the wit and the twit who just doesn't get it.

Yawn. Time to get to bed me thinks.
Ok, Aura's pissed that I'm going with Nanda. Some girls don't get it do they? You push away your boy and say you're going with someone else, then you get pissed off when he finds someone else to go with.

Even i'm not that bad.

I think??

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Honey, I'm hommmeeeee.

So after what feels like 2 months -but in truth is only 2 weeks... I'm back in Singapore. Good, clean, fast-paced, broadband-filled SINGAPORE. I now truly appreciate showers with more than 3 measly jets.

I'm not saying the break wasn't amazing... I mean, what could be more fulfilling than climbing Mount K., nearly falling off and then getting rescued by Jon -who was later awarded with a beach mat and a beaded necklace from the locals as a mark of bravery- and in the process, spraining his ankle. We helped the locals with the economy, buying and consuming their products whilst sharing the produce and goodwill. Felt really good to help them. We played with the children there too -for which we received a frisbee.

We also went to the beaches along the East Coast to help with coral conservation. Consulting with a marine biologist and his team of photographers and scientists, we discovered a lot about the wildlife in the area and how best to go about conserving the environment.

All in all... That was a load of bullshit. *grin*

Penang was awesome. It felt like home -because it WAS Rae's home.
KL was so-so. I can't say much for the nightlife, but the company -cheers to Faraz, Sean, T and co.- was brilliant.
Tioman was chilled. Even the mosquitoes fly at half-time. The locals were cool and the extra company along the way was enjoyable. The sandflies were and still are a bitch. Hmph.

I'm brown, happy and glad to be home. Bounced into Singapore right into *HIS* arms and was surrounded by the bestestest family I could ever have. I'm a happy bunny. Very happy.

Photos to come. Prolly on FB.
Join us there...


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Move Bitcch, Get Out The Way!

Teehee.. So I got into my first fight in a club over the weekend. Nothing to be insanely proud of, but it was quite amusing. So here's how it went doowwwnnn.

A butch and her girlfriend were dancing at Smoove -all's good so far- until they decide it'd be cool -uh oh, here it comes- to take up half the space on the dancefloor by moving their arses out just that half metre more. We are talking about nonexistent space here.

Everyone started getting really irritated with them and a few boys started shoving -I wasn't party to that, honest guv!- and their response was to take up more space.

Me being me, I went up to them -because by now I'd been rammed in the back like... 9 times?? by her sharp arse and I was starting to bruise (and we are talking about the girlfriend, not the butch. The butch was fairly round >.<)- and politely asked them to stop taking up so much space. She got a little defensive and the tension upped one notch.

I got pulled back by the boys I was with (Glenn, who were they? Names? Heh) and sheltered just as she goes ape and starts whacking everyone, shoving me back and punching the guys pushing her...

Cue song.

*everyone turns around and faces the couple* -and I mean EVERYONE-

Phwooaaarrrrr. That did it. She goes ape once more. Just as I'm about to make my way and sock her in the face for pushing and shoving our group once more, the boys pull me back and she looks at me and tells me to stay away. The bouncers arrive and promptly drag her away, leaving us to enjoy the rest of the night.

Glenn, Al, the two guys we ended up dancing with (along with the lil girls -and my my my were they little-), Sean and his friend -whose name escapes me for the moment-... Thank you for looking out for me and making my evening enjoyable.

Here's also to the BTFN crew! You guys were amazing and did a good job of putting up with an incredibly bitchy and angsty me on the night of the event. You all were awesome.
NOTE: Please remember to make time for Sentosa tomorrow. 11:30 at Harbour Front. :D Let's go get a tan, eh?

Malaysia roadtrip starts on Sunday.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Camels in the Middle East.

(insert multitude of swear words here)


Work is harsh. I am blogging from the conference room in the office. Yes, you're reading the time right. It IS past midnight. -.- Someone shoot me.

I'm tired. I've been working since 0930 this morning. I missed lunch, put up with some stuck up biatches from the GND and got shouted at by my boss. I've been through several revisions of countless documents and had to endure the embarrassment of my boss shouting at Vicnan -for which I truly apologise.

Someone... Please... Shoot me now.


Monday, March 05, 2007

The Land Of The Corporates.

I've got a job.

Don't look so surprised. Yes, I know I'm not one for taking any less than $100/hr but it fills up my time for the next two weeks and it'll look neat on the CV.

Although I am kinda gutted that it means I won't be seeing Shin as much as I have been. This past week after school has been awesome. Oh wait... It's only been 4 days. =\ That's including a weekend. Oh... Wow. i have more time than I thought!

Anyway, I'm now working at Labyrinth Branding at Amoy Street and will be for the next two weeks. I'll be handling the Black Tie Fight Night due to take place next Thursday, the 15th of March at the Swissôtel.

Firstly, those who know me decently enough (which isn't very many judging by my last post) they'll know that I freeze quite easily. So yes, you can imagine that I'm solely typing this entry to prevent my fingers from getting frostbite.

I forgot to tell you! I've finished school -although you'd have to be pretty dense to not have noticed that by this end of the post.

The exam was alright. Studying for it was pants because how the hell do you study for an exam where you can bring your papers in with you?! I survived.

Speaking of surviving, I've survived my entire polytechnic course! Phwoar!

So yea, back to the job. I got here at 10 and haven't really done much since then. Heh. I'm getting the average amount of pay for temp staff. -.- My bank account is not loving this.

[Lunchtime Interlude]

Ok, lunch was quite yummy. Beef noodles at Amoy Street Food Market. Thank you, Conrad.

Lalalaaa... I've done all the work assigned. Not much else to do right now. Luv-er-leee!! So what else do I do? *twiddles thumbs* Play Tetris! Thank you, Kai! <3 *grin*

-i'm getting money for doing nothing, i'm getting money for doing nothing, i'm getting money for doing nothing-

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Help Required.

Ok, all...

I know it's been a little while, but I've been supposedly mugging for my exams. Right.

First up, Happy Chinese New Year. Actually, Happy LUNAR New Year. Daddy's not Chinese, so why should it be exclusively for the Chinese? Back to your roots... What bollocks! Whose roots are they?! The moons. Pfft.

Drove up to Malaysia with the family for visiting. Didn't know I had so much family around. I swear I've never met half of them! It was a fairly... Uneventful day. So naturally the camera came out.

Secondly, as the post is aptly named, I require your help in several areas.

1) Dance Floor.
As I'm sure many of you knew people who were in Singapore Idol and whatever else nonsense they come up with nowadays that are so-called 'reality television programmes' when in essence there's no bloody reality to it at all (please read: Chart Throb by Ben Elton). Now it's my turn!

At Peranakan Place, I work along side with Mel. She's a door bitch for Alley Bar -nice place, try to grab a drink there. She and her dancing partner (who works upstairs as a dancer at Rouge) have entered The Dance Floor. I'd like you to all please contribute your votes to this lovely pair: Just The Two Of Us.

2) LIME Magazine TVC.
Now many of you know that during my last semester in Temasek Polytechnic, Rae and I sweat our blood and tears to produce our Lime Magazine commercial (and put out a fair amount of money for it too). At the internal competition, we aced it. Our efforts paid off and we won the SGD1000 -holiday fund & chalet for the talents.

Now we're battling it out on to try and become the commercial that will be aired on National Television.

We'd very much appreciate it if you would kindly pop on down to this website to vote for the commercial that you think is best. Of course we'd like you to vote for ours, but that's not quite fair. So take a look through all of them (yes, I know our names are at the beginning, but at least I'm TRYING to be objective here!) and vote for the one you think is best.

Alright, enough hardcore selling and back to the books.

Before I go... Welcome home, Ms. Berry! We missed you. 3 weeks and counting til the roadtrip! *bounce*

AND... A little memoir of my Friday night. <3 you, Pig.

Got bored whilst studying for my Law exam. Eurgh... Anyhow, if you're bored and you're done voting and wotnot, then just take this test so that I will know exactly who doesn't know shite about me.

Bed time. Night, all.

Create your own Friend Quiz here

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

To quote...

To quote the lovely Ms. B, school has been apple+Xed out of our lives. We did it. We survived the three years. The trials and tribulations. The projects. The exams. The lecturers (good and bad). The people. The bitching. The INDUSTRY.

I owe my last semester to someone very VERY great. She pulled me through when I thought all was lost and helped me edit when I couldn't do shite. She helped me stay awake whilst keeping me asleep (all at the same time) and put up with all my nonsense.

She cussed and swore, ok, that was me. I did it mostly on her behalf so she wouldn't have to. She prayed and got us through the bad times.

We were a dream team, which is saying something because Producers, Directors, Editors and Camera crew don't often get along. And we were all of the above! :D Phwoar...

We won a thousand dollars.
We got a fair few A's.
We beat the system.
We submitted work that we're proud of.
We surpassed the expectations we held of ourselves as well as of those that others held.


So this, Ms. B., is for you...
Here's to our last day of school, our future, the roadtrip and a beautiful friendship that we WILL make last a lifetime.

I Love You, Girl.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Final Countdown

Oh my...

This is my last week of school in Temasek Polytechnic. I'm scared.

Ok, before we go there and get all emo and angsty, let me tell me about my last night out with Yang before I move in with him and Nick! We went to MoS on Saturday after I finished work at Rouge (which was pants because I got scolded by the bitch of a manager from Acid Bar) and hung out at Pure. I saw so many people there that I know!

Question: Did I see them because I wasn't wrapped up in Shin? (Who was having a boys' -I don't know if there were chicks, so I'm assuming- night in playing poker)

I danced myself silly and had a little fun with Michelle (Ben's girlfriend) at Main. It was fun. *grin* (I know Rae's kinda frowning at me here and Shin will be off finding a boyfriend -or running to Prasad. Or not.)

I still don't like going clubbing without Shin though. Don't really like being followed and stuff. A bit freaky. OH OH OH and one fella puked over Nick. :D

I enjoy spending time with them. Sigh. I can't wait to move. Well, I can. But.. Yea.

Anyway, back to the emo/angsty week.

I'm sitting in class right now waiting for my turn to present my Law project. Sigh. This is a bit fcked. I stayed at Rae's place last night. She stayed at mine the night before. I no longer have the stamina to stay awake all night doing work. I totally FAILED. Let Rae down very badly. Makes me feel really bad. I'm... Upset with myself for not doing more.

Rae, when you read this...
<3 you very much. Thank you for all your help this week and over the ENTIRE time that I've known you. Our times together made me extremely happy. You accepted me and pulled me through a lot of sticky situations. We're a dream team (mainly because you tolerate me a lot and I swear on your behalf) and we've done REALLY good this semester. Good job, darling. You've been amazing.

I'm getting rather upset that I'm not going to ...

The Cow is going to Melbourne.

Nick, Yang, back me up on this one please. Thank you.

Yea, as I was saying. I'm upset that I'll be saying goodbye to some people for forever. I'm never going to see some of these people ever again. This. Is. Not. Cool.

Moving on... ROAD TRIP! Come the 20-something of March, Rae, Jon, Wennie and myself will take off together on a round-tour of Malaysia. :D 17 days of trekking, busing, camping, tanning and sight-seeing. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

Ok, work time. Wake me up... When Semester ends........

PS: Valentine's was awesome. Nothing special, but a good movie and cuddles in front of the telly. Oh... And pizza.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Happy Valentine's Day, Darling.

Not much else needs to be said because my eyes and my heart will do the talking when I see you later.

All my love,

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Oh WoW.

I play WoW (World of Warcraft). I'm a level 12 Blood Elf Hunter, named Phrionsa, with a cool cat for a pet called Babytaro. How cool is that? :D It's the PERFECT waste of time and I like talking to my guild mates.


This means that on the topic that was posted, someone else knows the truth. Wow. YAY! It couldn't have been me because:
1) I didn't even know this woman girl existed.
2) I couldn't even get the URL right (but then I was told the wrong URL).
3) It's not the sort of site I'd visit, for several reasons.
4) Ekk has a new chick?!?! News to me.

So here we go, I'm going to post up what was written. I'll just screen shot that section, so this picture is courtesy of Daphne Wee

And there you have it! Phwoar. To think that someone took the time to impersonate me is kinda cool. Those who know me will know that I NEVER sign off as -Kel. *shudder* Only SELECT people are allowed to call me that (and that's only because they say it nice) because I hate the way it sounds normally.

I've got pictures and stuff of my birthday that I need to blog about. Oh awesomenessssss. So much to say, maybe I'll do it all after I graduate -or at least after next Friday when I FINISH SCHOOL FOR GOOD!!!

Gig in school tonight. I need more paid jobs. I HAVE A ROAD TRIP coming up. So exciting!! I'm happy. I'm not PMS-y and I'm loved by friends and family and HIM HIM HIM HIM HIM! :D Filming yesterday was pants because of cramps (Oh yes, I rhyme. I'm so gunna be the next big rappa thang) but Shintaryaryary-o came down and cuddled me and spent a little time with me until we went back.

I seriously don't see the point of having so many people at filming when one person is injured and can't carry equipment and there are more people than there are jobs to be done. *rolls eyes*

So much to do but yes, I'm procrastinating. I now blog for the sake of readers of my blog, but also for the reading pleasure (Individual preference here) of those on my Facebook. If they even bother to read these things. I don't. Heh.

Oh, I'm going to blog about Jon and Rae because Rae can't blog about him. Silly girl is conscious about her ex. Imo I cbf what he thinks and I know he doesn't read my blog. SO... Rae darling, this is for you! (Oh, and YOU, Jon)

I hooked them up over Macca's fries at Nickelodeon (or rather, I sold Jon the idea of plucking up enough courage to just ask her out) and then after the Nick event at Vivo, he asked her out for dinner at NYDC and I rushed off to Justin's birthday celebration on a BUS. That was fun.

Then they SAW me on my bus and I drunkenly called them in a state of euphoria that was a combination of alcohol and fresh air, and wished them a happy life together in the hopes that they will get married and have lots of babies! *grin*


They are an awesomely awesome couple-but-at-the-same-time-not-a-couple-couple. There are meant to be two 'couple's in that. I mean three. Oh woteva.

They ain't really together but they act it and shit and I love them both to bits and my house is a meeting place because when Rae has to stay over to do work all night with me as a result of incompetent groupmates, then Jon always comes and stays with us too. But they're holy and good and I admire that very very much.

All this is just flowing out so please pardon the rushed effect and breathlessness that you might be feeling as a result of reading this at the pace that I'm typing it out and as I type this you'll start reading this faster so as to do it true justice. Good luck with catching your breath. I think it's got something to do with the fac that I've got Dynamite by Jamiroquai plugged in and blasting my ear drums away.

Yea, so basically... They're an awesome pair whom I love to bits because they're just SO NICE and SO PERFECT together.
Guys, I love you. So does Shin. And my Mummy and Barbara. I think Wennie's a tad jealous but then he can't talk because he promised himself to both Rae and myself. Woteva.

I think I REALLY ought to do script now. But before I go...

Friday, January 19, 2007


Today I've spent a lot of time introducing, listening to and working with many of my fellow coursemates. In this short time of half of Open House '07, I realise that many of them, especially my juniors, are exceedingly talented.


Anyway, as I was saying...
My juniors are really something to be proud of. They have all outdone themselves with their school work and other talents. Jules blew me away with his voice. My heart literally melted. *looks for a mop & bucket* As I'm writing this in front of the stage, he's still belting his heart out. Makes me wish that Shin would play again. I'd totally be HIS number one groupie *beams*

Jules can scream and still sound goddamn HOT! OMFG. His boyish charm and to-die-for smile will surely render girls speechless left, right and centre. Oh oh, I'm BRIMMING with pride right now.

Emily sang today too. She is so so awesome. Oh if only I could sing like that. Really makes me wonder what gift God gave me. All these people today are so talented. What's my niche? =\

Well, I'd better get my arse back home. I just couldn't resist staying to watch Jules a little longer, but seriously, I want to home to my boy. Haven't seen him since Tuesday and even that was just to get his WoW expansion and help me film. He might go out tonight though, so I doubt I'll see him for very long again. *shrug*

Thursday, January 18, 2007

I happen to like the bathroom floor thankyouverymuch!

Yeap, I'm here again. Procrastinating. Again.

I need to write up my cue cards for Open House. Don't want. Well, I do want. But I'm just being lazy. The bathroom floor is so nice and cool. It's quiet (save the dripping water from the remnants of my shower) and most importantly... No one is disturbing me! Well.. There are people on msn, but it's much easier to ignore them than family who constantly ask questions that you can't solve by pressing apple+w.

That's alt+F4 to you nasty nasty windows users.

:D Mac Evangilists FTW :D

Went shopping today. FINALLY got my watch back. I'll post pictures of my new shoesies tomorrow or something. Yayness. They're pretty.

Oh well, guess I'd better get to it. Editing in the morning.

it's nearly four more weeks. Hang in there.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Ms. R. R. Berry

A very very happy birthday to my DARLING bestie, Ms. Berry!

To the girl who always pulls me through the shit, the crap, the buggered and... Well... I think you get the picture.

I love you girl.

This 'hiao' picture was contributed by Mr. Jon See because as the girl said: "I wouldn't let anyone see this picture."
(ok, school won't let me upload the picture. I'll do it at home)

EDIT: Ok, here's the picture!!

I'm slumped up against the toilet door. Going back outside means having to face the looming deadlines.

Save me.

Sunday, January 14, 2007


Safari crashed. Lost my post. Pissed off.

Will blog again when I don't feel like smashing my fist through my screen and when I feel a lot less emotional.


Saturday, January 13, 2007

Paris Hilton. -.-

Small birdy woman with pink headscarf: "Oh my!"
Me: "Yes? Would you like to take a photo?"
Small birdy woman with pink headscarf: "No no, but I'd like a picture OF you!"
Me: "Err... Me and the Bunny? Sure!"
Small birdy woman with pink headscarf: "Yes please! You remind me of Paris Hilton!"
Me: O.o
Small birdy woman with pink headscarf: "Oh oh! Don't worry! Not looks... Just the personality!"
Me: *stares in disbelief* *fumes* *contemplates murder*
Small birdy woman with pink headscarf: "Oh I do like her! Not that stupid friend of hers though. But I like Paris a lot..."
*hand squeeze of reassurance and restraint from a friend*

My, oh my, oh my.

I'll post up pictures of last night, along with the bags of tea that we made off with.

The week is over (and boy am I happy that it is) and I made it obvious! I played 'Walking Away' on Shin's iPod to the point where I couldn't hear anyone/thing and danced out of the News Edit Suite. Oh I love that song.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

What a waste of bloody time!

'nuff said.

But thank you, Gen. Wot a ✡ you are.


After a fairly successful day of plodding through scriptwriting class, completing the retarded APEL assignment (think along the lines of a values reflection cum pastoral care thingymajig) and getting half of my BJ assignment completed, I got to see the Boy.


He called this morning to check up on me after falling asleep yesterday and therefore being unable to provide the support I needed. He shook some sense into me by scolding and chiding in his usual manner that makes me feel like a small, weak and pathetic little kid. I need that sometimes.

We exchanged texts during the day (ok, two or three) and agreed upon dinner. Then he tells me we're going to Al Forno's (along East Coast Road. GO!) and I feel immediately shy. I don't like other people paying for things like that. Feel guilty. Shin's argument: "If you don't go, that means you don't like Al Forno's! *exaggerated GASP* So see! You have to go. Confirm ah! Hokaytankyewbubye."

When i got to his place, we talked about his gruesome biology class and as I was so tired, I crashed. He rubbed my tummy until I fell asleep and cuddled me throughout.

I like those feelings. The feeling of being needed, wanted and desired.


Dinner was amazing. Salad, Pizza, Pasta, Sorbet and an Aperatif. <3 The night was a little easier once the wine was digested. I'm currently padding this out on my bathroom floor with my toothbrush in my mouth, procrastinating because I don't want to do work and I'm still pink from the wine and woteva else I was given. It was yummy, just that I have no clue what it was.

I like Nobina. She's nice.

I'm glad I got to drink today. Needed it after the upheaval I've faced. Today was almost perfect. I got to nap in class (James walks in. Where's Kelly? *rae points to the desk* James inquires whether the thing is a foetus and says he wants to stand on it. Yes, it was me) and at Shin's. I got to see my Babe to celebrate our first year and first month over a scrummy dinner with his family. Ms. Berry was my saviour with Vanilla Coke and my Christmas presents (comprising of a bright green jacket that I've been eyeing for a while now and three sets of earrings. One of which was chosen by Jon. THANK YOU, JON!) I love you, Ms. Berry.

I wish everything was alright. I wish all was pretty much perfect like today. I came home tipsy from the wine and aperatif and Mum says: "You've been drinking?" My response: "Wine with dinner. I deserved it." Parents shut up after that.

I do need it.

I want to dance this weekend. People if anyone is clubbing, ask me out. I don't want to drink, I just want to dance and get lost in the music.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Emo Post.

You may not want to read the following. I've taken the courtesy of creating a bit of space so that you don't have to read the emo-ness straight out unless you choose to.

I also apologise for the lack of entries.

This is not for you, nor is it for them.
This is for her and the rest who use their ears for something other than making it seem like they give a shit.

Each tear that rolls down my caked face carries love and appreciation for those who have cared.
Each breath-turned-sob is dedicated to those who understand.

My chest will heave and my make-up will run.
My heart will ache and my head will throb.

Love is extended to those who've made the effort.
Love is retracted from those who have befriended me under false pretences.


To be completely and brutally honest, I'm not the only one to blame. I feel I've been done an injustice. On hindsight, everything can be done better. So why is it that you all see fit to point the finger at me just because I have the guts to say out what you were thinking? We all make mistakes, so why do you all see fit to act like hypocrites and act like you'd never said anything in the first place. Am I not human too?

Why blow your mouth off only to shy away when faced with a confrontation?
Why let others take the wrap for something that no one else had the courage to do?
Why the hell is it just my fault?


You can hate me.
All of you can hate me.

The Ones that Matter... They're right here. *points to heart*

You guys? No, you don't matter.


If you don't like what I do, then take over.
If you don't wish to take over... Shut the fck up and let me get on with making sure we all get a friggin grade.