Monday, November 12, 2007

I realise...

...that my blog looks so much nicer on a mac - so go buy a mac and revel in it's beauty.
...that Josh still has a blog.
...that in about 5 days, my kid sister will be touching down in Melbs.
...that you really shouldn't wear sporty clothes and try on a dress, you'll always look stupid.
...that trusting the weather just by looking at it, is not smart.
...that Simon has the same book as me (realisation was made yesterday) and you should get it too: Mark Haddon - A spot of bother.
...that not all Metal bands are just about the heavy stuff.
...that the 'sleepy' *you is a real bitch sometimes.
...that I actually do have some form of permanance in my life, for once.
...that Artichokes are quite funny looking. And that my school building design really does look like one.
...that I am in dire need of a job.
...that a single cupboard can mean the world.
...that the world is shrinking at a rather dramatic rate - damn internet.
...that Apple has an extreme amount of power when it comes to boosting musicians' profile in the mainstream music industry: Feist and Cansei de Ser Sexy among others would not be as recognised as they are now if not for Apple.

And yes, we guessed it, but the tabloids have confirmed JT's hookup with his backup dancer, much to Singz' disappointment. Sorry, darling. Britney was the biggest idiot to cheat on him and whilst she has gone to the shits, I have to admit that I do enjoy a couple of her more recent songs. Ever a fan of the Eurythmics, songs that play up on Sweet Dreams are almost bound for success with me. Britney's Everybody along with Gimme More are actually rather catchy tunes. Shocking. But yes, the videos are just crass. Eurgh.

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